Terms & Conditions

Learning2Drive is an Internet based driving school. Our carefully selected instructors are independent and work from their home address. This website is operated on behalf of driving instructors working under the Learning2Drive name and offering intensive driving courses.

All courses booked through Learning2Drive form a direct contract between yourself (the pupil/student) and your named driving instructor and NOT with Learning2Drive.

Our course prices can and do change to reflect fuel prices, the cost of practical driving tests, inflation and various other related costs. The price you will pay for your course will always be the prevailing price on the date you made your online course booking. Therefore, if the price goes up in the intervening period before you commence your course, you will not be charged any additional costs or have to make and extra payment. Similarly, if the price goes down, you will not receive a refund or be permitted to pay a lower total for the course you booked.

Please note that, on occasion, the vehicle that you learn to drive in may carry a different company name and branding than Learning2Drive.

Once you have been assigned an instructor, all subsequent interaction is between you and the named instructor. We take every measure possible to ensure you the very best driving instruction experience, but each instructor's style of tuition and behaviour is solely their personal and legal responsibility.

In the unlikely event of any dispute that may arise (and for whatever reason), your instructor is directly responsible for reaching settlement with you. The Best Driving Courses organisation, of which Learning2Drive is a part, will not be liable for any outstanding tuition hours, or financial compensation for unused tuition hours, that may occur between you and your specified instructor. Please note that booked courses, lessons and any unused hours are non-transferable, so cannot be taken up by other drivers.

Please also note that in the event of any refunds being given related to courses that are not taken (for whatever reason), any incidental or additional costs that may have been incurred in relation to the course (ie, holiday/leave from work, hotel rooms, train fares etc.) will not be refunded or reimbursed in full or in part.

1.    Students are to personally ensure that they are holders of a current valid provisional driving licence. Your original photocard licence must be shown to the instructor at the first meeting. We are not legally permitted to undertake any driving lessons with students who do not hold a valid provisional driving licence. In the event that we discover the student does not have the required licence, any booked lesson hours will be forfeited.

1(a).     Each student must provide a valid driving licence 'check code' before commencing their course. We are required to check your driving information and will always do this before your first lesson. In the event that we discover the student does not meet the required criteria for starting their course, any booked lesson hours will be forfeited. You can find more information, and obtain your check code, online at: www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence

2.    It is the student's responsibility to ensure they have with them for their driving test all licence requirements and, if needed, a valid theory test pass certificate.

3.    A deposit of £150.00 for courses must be made with each course booking. Online bookings should be paid via the PayPal online payments form which will become available once the online booking form has been submitted. It is important to note that deposits paid are non-refundable under any circumstances.

4.    The remaining full balance of the course/lessons fee must be received at least 28 days prior to the first lesson or start of the course. Please note: the balance of the payment will be due, in full, directly to your instructor. Your instructor will provide the necessary payment instructions at the time your course confirmation email is issued. You do not pay the balance to Learning2Drive.

Important information: If you wish to pay via Debit or Credit card, those payments can be made using PayPal. Please note that we do not accept PayPal 'Gift' payments as this would contravene PayPal's Terms & Conditions.

Please also note that where you choose to make a direct payment via debit or credit card, the remaining full balance payment of the course/lessons fee must be made at least five days prior to the 28 day period prior to the first lesson or start of the course. If you choose to pay in this way, your course confirmation email will inform you of the date your payment has to be made by.

5.    Any additional tuition that the student may request will be charged at the current hourly rate and would be paid direct to the instructor when tuition is taken.

6.    The driving test itself represents the final lesson of any course. For example, if you pay for a 40 hour course, you will receive 39 hour-long lessons plus the hire of your tuition vehicle for the driving test at the end of that course (this represents the 40th and final hour). Please note that the standard practical driving test costs £62 and is in addition to your course fee. If you book and pay for the test yourself we will not charge you the £62 test booking fee. You can book your test at the official government site: www.gov.uk/book-driving-test. If we book your test we will charge you the £62 booking fee.

6a.    Important: We are only able to attend driving tests at the Swindon or Chippenham driving test centre locations. We cannot attend driving tests at any other test centres.

6b.    Practical driving tests should be booked at least one month in advance of the start your intensive driving course. If your test is booked with less available time between the start of your course and the date of your test, it may, in certain circumstances, not be possible to complete all of your scheduled tuition hours. Full payment for your entire course will still be required.

7.    It is the responsibility of the student to notify their instructor immediately that they have passed their theory test and to supply their certificate number.

If the student has not passed their theory test prior to, or within, the 28 day course cancellation period, the course will still go ahead and require payment. In these circumstances we set aside a number of hours to complete the driving course prior to the eventual driving test date. If, for any reason, the student decides not to undergo the hours that have been set aside, we reserve the right to retain the full payment for those hours as they remain part of the original course hours and we have only rescheduled those hours as a goodwill gesture.

8.    A cancellation notice is required if a student finds they are unable to take any of their course. This notice must be (a) sent in writing, by recorded post, or (b) by email. This must to be received at the Swindon office address no less than 28 clear days prior to the course start date. Any applicable refunds may take up to one week to process.

While all confirmed courses are expected to take place as agreed, in exceptional circumstances the pupil may request a rescheduling of their course dates. In any event, no course will be rescheduled more than twice and all requests to reschedule courses must be made within 14 days prior to the agreed course start date. In each case, the option to move the course will be at our discretion and our decision will be final.

9.    Any tuition that has been booked with a deposit paid that is cancelled with less than 28 days notice will be charged for in full and with no refunds provided. Course deposits are also non-refundable. In cases where a pupil pays their entire course fee at one time, the first £150 of that payment is considered as the deposit for the course.

10.    All courses must be started within a 6 month period of the date the related deposit and/or full course fee payment is received by us. In the event that a course is not started within 6 months, your deposit payment and any other payments you have made become non-refundable. Any course hours that you may have paid for but, for whatever reason, are not used also become null and void and cannot be taken or money refunded after the 6 month period has expired. In any circumstance and for any reason, we hold full discretion over whether refunds of any nature, and for any payments submitted, will be given. Please note that courses and individual hours of tuition are non-transferable unless agreed on a case-by-case basis by the relevant instructor.

Please note: we will always attempt to make contact with pupils using the email address and telephone number provided within pupils' booking forms or otherwise given to us by the pupil. If, for whatever reason, we are unable to contact pupils via those means, we will continue to make all reasonable efforts to make contact as best we can. If the pupil remains uncontactable, no refund of deposits paid will be issued.

10a.    Where courses are booked (and a deposit paid) for courses that are scheduled to commence over 6 months from the date the booking is made, Term 10 above does not apply. In these cases, the courses should be started at the specified date & time unless otherwise agreed by the instructor. In any event, these courses must be started within 2 months of the initial agreed course start date. If this does not happen, your deposit payment and any other payments you have made become non-refundable. In any circumstance and for any reason, we hold full discretion over whether refunds of any nature, and for any payments submitted, will be given.

11.    Driving tests always take priority over driving tuition. Due to the DVSA moving and rescheduling some practical tests, occasionally some students' scheduled course hours may need to be changed to accommodate a driving test. In such an event, we will endeavour to keep any disruption to a minimum and any changes to a student's tuition times/hours will be discussed with the pupil. All course bookings and agreed course times are therefore accepted on the basis that those course times/hours may change where other pupils' practical driving tests take precedence.

12.    It is against the law for anyone to drive while under the influence of of alcohol or drugs. Any student being suspected of being under the influence of either will have their tuition terminated for that day with the loss of that day's tuition.  

13.     Abusive language or threatening behavior to any instructor, or to the general public while within the instructor's car will not be tolerated. Any such behavior will result in the course being terminated resulting in the loss of course fee.

14.    Instructors reserve the right to withhold the use of their vehicle for the driving test if in the opinion of the instructor the student's driving is not to a safe standard for the driving test to be taken. As per condition 6 (above), the use of the instructor's vehicle during the driving test represents the final/last hour of any course that you have booked with us.

Instructors will not take you for test if you are not considered to have the appropriate standard of driving. For pupils who feel it may be unwarranted if their instructor removes their car for a driving test, please be aware how driving instructors are monitored:

DVSA monitor instructors based on test performances and pass/fail results. When presenting a candidate to their practical driving test, they MUST be at a safe driving standard, be able to make informed decisions without the assistance of their instructor and for the examiner to confidently sign their pass certificate.

If an instructor's pupils have too many fails, it could trigger a DVSA 'Standards Check'. This involves a DVSA Enforcement Agent sitting in the back of the instructor's course lessons and scoring their performance. Whilst this may, in some cases, be a good thing (in terms of removing poor quality instructors from the roads), a high quality instructor can still lose their accreditation if they fail a Standards Check three times. It is always in the best interests of both the pupil and the instructor to ensure any pupil deemed not safe to take their practical test is prohibited from doing so. This is never an easy decision but, in the rare event it is taken, it is only ever to ensure the safety of all concerned.

Please note: should you be informed by your instructor, at any point during your course, that they believe you will not be able to safely take your practical driving test, it is expected that you complete your remaining course hours as scheduled. It is your right to terminate the course at that point if you so choose, but no refunds will be made for unused hours and those unused hours cannot be rearranged for a later date. On the rare occasions this situation occurs, we often find the pupils complete their course and then may actually only require a further day or two of tuition in order to be test-ready.

15.     Driving tests are always arranged in advance of the course starting date. If the DVSA make any changes to the driving test within the cancellation notice period then the course will continue as arranged. Should a DVSA change happen then your Learning2Drive instructor will do everything possible to rearrange another test to be taken quickly and will help claim any of your out of pocket expenses from the DVSA.

It is important to note that once a test has been booked with DVSA, we then have no control over whether they change the test date/time or even cancel the test. As these types of changes are completely out of our hands, your driving course will still go ahead as planned and we will do everything that we can in order to work with DVSA to ensure your revised test date is booked as close to the end of your course as possible.

Please note: if you book a test for a date and time that falls at a time when we have already got another test booked for a pupil, we will need to ask you to reschedule your practical driving test booking with the DSVA as we will be unable to supply a vehicel for use during your initially booked test.

16.    Please note that driving tests cannot normally be booked in advance for pupils who have not already taken and passed their driving theory test. The booking and passing of the theory test is entirely the responsibility of each pupil and is not included within any of our courses and fees. We are also not able to have any pupil take a driving test who has not previously passed their theory test. We therefore offer no refunds on deposits for pupils who book a course with us but who fail to pass their theory test prior to their driving test.

17.    Learning2Drive branded vehicles are all owned and operated by their respective instructor owners. Their vehicles are regularly serviced and kept to a very high standard of roadworthiness. We will always endeavour to ensure that our cars are in ideal operational condition prior to your test. If any problems with a vehicle occur within the days leading up to your test we will, where possible, ensure these are dealt with prior to the test itself. However, in the very rare event of one of our cars breaking down, sustaining a flat tyre or developting any other mechanical fault that renders it unusable or unsuitable shortly prior to the test (or during your test), we will pay your rescheduled test fee and also provide you with an additional two hours of driving tuition at no cost to you (please note: the two additional free hours include your rescheduled test hour).

Please note that any alleged defect with our cars that the pupil (or other person) perceives to be an issue will only be considered a defect if/when the instructor has assesed the alleged defect and confirmed that they agree the defect exists. Our instructors will always be honest and fair in such circumstances but we cannot accept an allegation of a defect as being proof of a defect. Pupils are welcome to invite a mechanic or other qualified professional to check our vehicles and provide written confirmation of any alleged defect. This would be entirely at the expense of the pupil regardless of the outcome of any inspection.

If, for any reason, the pupil damages the vehicle they are using whilst under tuition, the time it takes to repair such damage will be lost from the pupil's course time if the car has to be booked in for repair during the pupil's previously agreed course time. Whether the damage is caused deliberately, by accident or by a freak occurrence, the above condition remains the same. In the event that the damage is caused deliberately, or the instructor perceives the damage to have been caused through the pupil's deliberate actions OR negligence, we may pursue the pupil for reimbursement of any expense that result. Any costs relating to damage caused by the pupil which is not covered by our extensive insurance will also be payable by the pupil who caused the damage.

If your car is involved in an accident during your course, or becomes undriveable for any reason, we will endeavour to find and alternative vehicle and you will be offered the chance to postpone any missed hours at this time. Should you choose not to postpone those hours at the time the option is offered to you, they will be forfeited and no refund for those hours will be given.

Please be aware that any of your personal possessions that you may bring into the tuition vehicle (such as: mobile phones, clothing, headwear, footwear, documents etc.) remain your personal responsibility at all times. We will not reimburse or replace any items that are damaged or go missing whilst inside or outside the vehicle. Similarly, if you realise you have left any personal items in the tuition vehicle, you must inform us as soon as you become aware. While we will do all we reasonably can to reunite pupils with their correct lost property, we will not hold items indefinitely and cannot guarantee to be able to return any items left within the vehicle at the end of your course/practical driving test.

17a.    Our tuition vehicles are always sourced from respected manufacturers and are carefully selected to be suitable for learner drivers. As all of our pupils (the vast majority of whom pass their driving tests) use the same vehicles during the period we operate them, we are unable to accept any claims that the vehicle itself has caused the pupil to (a) not complete their course, (b) have their course impacted in a prohibitive manner or (c) fail their practical driving test. This also relates to any claims of physical discomfort or inability to drive our vehicles for the required periods of time necessary to complete our intensive driving courses. All vehicles are ideally suited to extended periods of driving and we also carefully plan appropriate breaks to ensure students are able to maintain concentration, learning ability and - above all - safety.

All of our vehicles are replaced with brand new cars on an annual basis. At certain times, our suppliers may face logistical challenges which mean they are unable to confirm the specific date of delivery of the new cars in advance. As such, it is possible that a pupil may find that the car they take their test in may not be the same car used for their course lessons. In the unlikely event of this happening, the pupil will be expected to continue their course and/or take their practical test in the new/updated car. Equally, if we are forced to use any courtesy cars in place of our standard cars (for any reason), pupils will be expected to continue their course and take their practical test in the alternative vehicles.

18.    In the unfortunate event that an instructor is too ill to take a booked course, we will make every effort to inform you as soon as possible and arrange with you to reschedule your course. We will make every effort to ensure your course can be rescheduled, but if we are unable to reschedule the course with you for any reason we will retain your deposit and any other fees you have paid to us unless we decide to refund any payments at our discretion.

18a.    If a pupil becomes ill at any point during their course, full payment for the course will still be required regardless of any hours/days the pupil cancels and regardless of the advance notice period provided by the pupil. We can, at our discretion, potentially offer part-refunds under certain circumstances. Our decision will be final in these instances.

Due to the nature of intensive courses, if the pupil becomes ill during the course and is unable to complete their allocated time or take any scheduled lesson time, any remaining time may be forfeit if the pupil is unable to continue within 3 months of the start date of the course. Ill health of the pupil will usually not result in any refund being given. In cases where a pupil is ill and unable to take their lesson, we must be informed at least 3 hours before the lesson is due to commence. If not, no refund or lesson rescheduling will be made. This is subject to the discretion of the instructor, whose decision in these instances is final.

18b.    While our instructors will make every effort to arrive on time for the start of each period of tuition, if they are delayed for any reason, the period of time missed at the start of the day's tuition will usually be added on to the end of that day's tuition. For example, if your tuition is due to start at 9.00am and your instructor doesn't arrive until 9.15am, your lesson till end 15 minutes later than originally scheduled (unless you would rather finish at the originally agreed time). If any missed time cannot be added on to the tuition on the same day, it will be added to another mutually convenient tuition period.

However, please note that if you are late to start your tuition, for whatever reason, we will not make up the lost time either on the day in question or at any other time.

In the unfortunate event that an instructor is too ill to take a booked course, we will make every effort to inform you as soon as possible and arrange with you to reschedule your course. We will make every effort to ensure your course can be rescheduled, but if we are unable to reschedule the course with you for any reason we will retain your deposit and any other fees you have paid to us unless we decide to refund any payments at our discretion.

We are mindful of our duty of care to all pupils whilst they are undertaking their course with us. So that we may ensure that appropriate steps are taken to accommodate all students, it is essential for pupils to inform us of any physical or mental conditions they may have that could affect their ability to undertake their course in any way. It is also important that we are aware of any regular and/or essential medication each pupil may be taking during their course time. Our online booking form includes a specific area to collect this information where applicable. If a student/parent/guardian does not accurately complete this information, or chooses to wilfully mislead the company (or their instructor) in any way, we reserve the right to cancel the pupil's course with no refund provided.

19.    Poor/dangerous weather conditions policy: in the event of poor weather your instructor will reserve the right to make the decision whether or not to undertake your course. In all cases, our primary concern will be safety. If you choose to cancel your course despite your instructor indicating it will go ahead, no refunds will be given - although we may help with rescheduling the course. If your instructor decides the conditions are too dangerous to take the course we will work with you to reschedule the course for a convenient time. No refunds will be issued due to poor weather conditions. Please note that we have no control over the DSA canceling your driving test due to poor weather conditions. In the event the DSA cancel your test we will work with you and the DSA to reschedule your test.

20.    Failsafe Course: please note that any student who passes their test at the first attempt as part of their Failsafe Course will not receive a refund for any unused tuition hours or tests that subsequently have no need to be taken. Any students who pay for their Failsafe Course, complete part of the course but then choose, for whatever reason, not to complete the tuition hours and/or driving test(s) will similarly not be entitled to any refund (in whole or in part).

21.    When making a booking with us, we go to great lengths to ensure that you have read and accept our Terms & Conditions. These are updated regularly and clearly accessible and available to view on our website at all times. When submitting an online booking form via our website you can only do so by also clicking the box to confirm that you have read and accepted our Terms & Conditions. All bookings we receive will be processed and undertaken on the basis of good faith that you have indeed read and understood the Terms & Conditions (as you will have confirmed you have done). This will be the case regardless of whether you have actually read and accepted our Terms & Conditions. This will also be the case regardless of your claimed (or proven) mental state at the time of booking. ALL bookings are only accepted on the basis that you must have clicked to accept our Terms & Conditions and that you were fully aware of, understood and in agreement with everything contained therein. You will, therefore, not be exempt from our Terms & Conditions if, at a later date, you claim you were not able to read, understand or agree to them.

22.    Where the person undertaking the driving course is under the age of 18 at the time they make their booking, the booking itself must be made by their parent or guardian and will only be accepted by us on that basis.

23.    It is the student's responsibility to ensure that, prior to commencing their course, their eyesight (with glasses or contact lenses if necessary) is at the required level to pass the driving test, ie, the student must be able to read a vehicle license plate made after 1st September 2001 from a distance of 20 metres. All students undertaking a course must, if they require glasses or contact lenses, wear them at all times throughout the duration of the course and the driving test.

24.    All students retain the right to end any part of their daily course at any earlier time than scheduled. In the event that a student chooses to end their day's driving early, and for whatever reason, the remaining tuition hours of that day are forfeited and cannot be made up at any other time.

25.    At the time we accept any course booking we take the student's evaluation of their own driving skill level at face value. If, when the course commences, our evaluation of the student's driving skill level is significantly below that which was originally stated, the booked course will still go ahead as planned but we reserve the right to cancel the associated test booking if we feel there is no realistic likelihood of the student attaining a level of driving skill necessary to attempt to pass their test within their allotted hours.

Where the booked course is long enough to enable us time to cancel the course and avoid paying the test fee, we will do so. If the cancellation period available to us is not long enough (ie, four full days or less), the student will lose their test fee payment despite not being entered for the test.

If the pupil reaches the latter stages of their course and it is deemed that their driving capabilities are such that they have little or no chance of completing their driving test (ie, the instructor firmly believes that the driving test examiner would call a halt to the practical test before it has been fully undertaken) then we reserve the right to not enter that pupil for their practical test. This is a requirement of being professional in our conduct and also reduces the psychological impact on the pupil of an aborted practical test. In these rare circumstances, the test fee will, unfortunately, be lost as we are unable to reclaim it.

26.    In cases where a pupil is deemed to have the appropriate driving ability to more than likely pass their driving test but have not completed all of their alloted course hours, it may be possible to arrange for these hours to be used at a different time. For example, for motorway driving tuition. This will only be possible in exceptional cases and with our prior agreement. Where this type of arrangement has been made, the unused hours must be taken as some form of driving tuition and will not be redeemable or refundable in monetary form.

27.    We adopt a zero tolerance approach to offensive and/or violent behaviour. Racist, sexist and/or offensive language will not be tolerated. If such behaviour continues after a first warning, we will terminate the lesson and any remaining lessons with no refund of course or booking fees.

If it is believed that the pupil has committed an offence or driven in a deliberately dangerous manner, ignoring all instruction and warnings not to repeat the actions, the instructor has a responsibility and the right to terminate the lesson with immediate effect with no refund given. If the behaviour continues in subsequent lessons, the entire course may be terminated with no refunds given.

Our instructors will, at all times, ensure that standards of personal hygiene are impeccable. Our instructors' vehicles represent their place of work and acceptable levels of personal hygiene are also expected from pupils who use those vehicles. Where necessary, an instructor may politely advise a pupil that their levels of personal hygiene should be improved. If this advice is not acted upon prior to the following day's tuition, the instructor is at liberty to terminate the day's hours and, in extreme cases, the entire course.

28.    Courses will include appropriate rest periods at the discretion of the instructor on each day of the course. The frequency and length of these rest periods will be determined by the instructor and may vary from day to day. These periods are included in the hours that make up the total number of hours in the course itself.

29.    Communication: Please note that from the moment we receive your driving course booking form we will have a requirement to be able to contact you via the email and telephone details you provide on your booking form. It is very important that you supply the correct contact information. We will make every reasonable attempt to contact you via email and telephone when necessary. However, the process requires that you respond when requested. If we do not receive a timely response to any messages that we leave for you, we reserve the right to forfeit your course. We would normally keep any deposit payment that you may have made, so it is essential that you are contactable - and/or respond to any message we may leave for you - up until your practical test has been completed.

30.    Covid-19/Coronavirus disruption: We will always continue to carry out courses until such time as we are instructed that we may no longer operate. Where any courses are unable to be undertaken due to Government imposed lockdowns, we will work with pupils to reschedule those courses and practical tests as soon as it becomes possible to do so. Due to the fast paced nature of any potential lockdowns, we are unable to give refunds for any courses that are affected and/or postponed due to Government directives.

Pupils who are due to undertake a driving course test who positive for Coronavirus and/or have to self-isolate during the course dates period will be offered the opportunity to reschedule their course and test dates at the earliest and most convenient time possible. If you do not wish to have your course and test date rescheduled with us, we may, at our discretion, issue a refund. However, any refunds will only be issued at such time as we have been able to resume our driving courses (ie, when lockdown restrictions have been lifted).

Please note that if a refund has been issued and you wish to rebook a course with us at a later date, we will be unable to schedule your course until all existing customers' courses have first been rescheduled. This could mean you would face an additional waiting time of six months or more.

Due to a backlog of practical driving test availability, which is out of our control, some courses may be split into two (or more) banks of hours. One bank of hours will be taken initially and then the remaining bank of hours will be delivered closer to the practical driving test date (once booked). Please note that all courses are paid for in full and no refunds will be given for any banks of hours that are not taken up by the pupil and for whatever reason. Learning2Drive will always honour all course hours paid for. If the pupil chooses to forfeit any unused hours, that is their choice but no part refunds will be given.

Please note that government restrictions on providing professional driving tuition were lifted in April 2021. Any pupils who were unable to complete their courses due to Covid restrictions prior to this date MUST reschedule the remainder of their course hours within 12 months (1 year) of April 2021. Any course time that remains after this period may be forfeited or rescheduled solely at our discretion.

31.    DVSA moving or postponing of booked tests: Whether we book a practical driving test or the pupil books their test, there may be occasions where the DVSA move or postpone a booked test. In the event a test date is changed by DVSA this is out of the control of both us and the pupil. As such, if we receive notice of a test date change we will work with the pupil to ensure some hours of their driving course are saved to be taken nearer to the revised date of the test. Please note that the number of hours saved, and the dates they are to be taken, will be at our discretion. Confirmed course dates and times cannot, under any circumstances whatsoever, be moved or cancelled due to a booked test date change made by the DVSA. However, we will always work with pupils to try to ensure any disruption is kept to a minimum wherever possible.

32.    DVSA/Driving examiner strike action: Any industrial action that results in booked driving tests being rescheduled or cancelled is entirely out of our control and, as such, any pupils who may have their practical driving tests affected by strike action will still go ahead with their driving courses as planned. They will subsequently take their driving test as soon as the rescheduled date is confirmed by the DVSA. No refunds will be given for any of our driving courses that may be affected by strike action although we will always work with pupils to best mitigate the effects of such disruption.

We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and without warning.

Terms and Conditions last updated: 28th September 2024

Learning2Drive car

Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

We are deeply committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our customers. As part of that commitment, we believe that it is important to explain to you, as clearly as possible, how and when we use cookies and similar technologies on our websites and mobile applications (together, we call these the 'Site') to collect and use your information.

Cookies are unique identifiers, usually made up of small pieces of text or code that are placed on your device. Cookies are used by website owners to help websites operate and work more efficiently.

Cookies may be placed on your device by this website, which are 'first party' cookies. Cookies may also be placed on your device by a party other than us, such as Google. These are 'third party' cookies. Third parties with whom we conduct business may use cookies in order to supply us with data related to the usage of our website.

Essential Cookies: These cookies are essential for our Site to work properly. They include, for example, cookies that make it possible for you to browse and use our Site.

Cookies are either classified as 'Session Cookies' or 'Persistent Cookies'. Session Cookies are stored temporarily and deleted once you close the browser window. Persistent Cookies are stored on your device between browser sessions, and are beneficial because they allow us to remember your preferences and activities while on the Site. The length of time these cookies remain on your device will vary, as it depends on the specific cookie used.

You may also disable certain cookies through your browser settings. In particular, you can disable these cookies on Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Please check your browser settings for more information. Within each browser, you can select the option to clear all cookies and other browsing data.

If you use the Site after you have cleared all cookies from your browser settings, cookies may be placed on your device again. To avoid having these cookies placed on your device again, you can opt-out as described above or by installing an application on your browser, such as Ghostery or PrivacyBadger, to ensure certain cookies are not placed on your device.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

(Only applicable to individuals and companies within the European Union)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will help to better protect your personal data.

We may collect such information from you via the contact and booking forms used throughout our website. As displayed as part of each form, by submitting your data via these forms you consent to our use of your data as outlined below.

Legitimate Interests:

We have a number of lawful reasons that we can use (or 'process') your personal information. One of the lawful reasons is called 'legitimate interests'. We process personal information for certain legitimate business purposes, which include some or all of the following:

  • where the processing enables us to enhance, modify, personalise or otherwise improve our services/communications for the benefit of our customers
  • to identify and prevent fraud
  • to enhance the security of our network and information systems
  • to better understand how people interact with our websites
  • to provide direct communications which we think will be of interest to you
  • to determine the effectiveness of promotional campaigns and advertising

Whenever we process data for these purposes we will ensure that we always keep your personal data rights in high regard and take account of these rights. You have the right to object to this processing if you wish, and if you wish to do so please email info@learning2drive.co.uk Please bear in mind that if you object this may affect our ability to carry out tasks above for your benefit.

We already go to great lengths to best ensure your personal information and/or special information is safe. This includes personal information such as your name, address, email address, date of birth and also special information such as your Provisional Driving Licence number.

We will use your personal and special information in order to respond to any enquiries you may submit via this site and to enable us to book your driving course and/or driving test. We may sometimes use your personal data to assist us in providing customer service, which includes tailoring the information we share with you to help ensure that it's relevant, useful and timely, so that you can receive the appropriate information about your course, driving test and other services we may provide to you along with invoicing and other customer related communications.

We never sell or provide your personal data to third parties unless required to do so under current law. While we do not hold any database of customer details, we will retain all contact form supplied details for a period of up to 10 years. You may request that we delete your contact form and/or booking form supplied personal and special information at any time by emailing info@learning2drive.co.uk at any time. Your information will then be deleted.

We respect your privacy and work hard to meet strict regulatory requirements.

Well done Jack!
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Course availability

Courses are normally available four weeks ahead, although students who can offer flexibility on their start date can sometimes find an earlier start is possible, often as soon as next week.